Karaffa Vladimír
Dr. Vladimír Karaffa, (Col. Ret.), born in 1950, he graduated from the Military University of Ground Forces (VVŠ PV) Vyškov, postgraduate studies at the Military Academy Brno, Marshall Centre in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, General Staff Course at the Military Academy Brno. During his professional military career he held a number of logistic, commanding and pedagogical positions. He worked at the Operational Art Research Institute (IVOU) Brno and at the Defence Studies Institute (ÚOS) in Praha-Braník, as well as in leading positions at the former Division of Defence Planning MoD (SOP MO). For three years he worked at the NATO Joint Headquarters Centre, Operational Command, Heidelberg, Germany, from 2003 the Chief of the Doctrine Centre of the Training and Doctrine Directorate, (SpD ŘeVD) Vyškov. In 2007 his professional military career was concluded. Afterwards he worked as the head of the Section of Strategic Abilities and the Section of Strategic Analyses, Defence Policy and Strategy Division of MoD (SOPS MO), finally he held the position of director and recently that of analyst of the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies (CBVS), University of Defence Brno. Chairman of the Vojenské rozhledy editorial board.
Country: Czech Republic