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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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The New Wars: Terrorism and “Asymmetric” Warfare
The term “new wars” is often used to describe how terrorist groups achieve objectives in addition to the “classic” means of intervention by states. Terrorist organizations use asymmetric methods of warfare to target the weaknesses of Western states. Consequently, conventional wars have also changed into hybrid wars. The legal status of terrorist organizations is a major problem for the rule of law. In responding to terrorist attacks, the distinction between crime and terrorism is difficult. The “war on terror” is governed by different rules and principles and is extremely difficult to wage. Conflicts last a long time and victory against terrorism is rarely possible due to the networked structure of terrorist organizations and the way they intermingle with the population. In addition to an alliance-wide approach, there is a national solution to answer these new threats in form of the comprehensive national defense in Austria.- The New Wars: Terrorism and “Asymmetric” Warfare (2634 Downloads)
Treiblmaier Alexander
Major Mag.(FH) Dr. Alexander TREIBLMAIER, MA, MSc (born 1981) was promoted as officer in 2011 and completed the Master studies at the University of Sopron (Management and Leadership) and at the Austrian National Defence Academy in Vienna. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade in the Department of International Management. He is the Head of the Institute Cyber and electronic warfare at the signal school of the Austrian Armed forces in Vienna. His military professional career and experience reaches from the work as platoon-leader, staff officer (G-6 branch) at the 3rd mechanized infantry brigade and teacher for tactics at the signal school. During his academic career, he specialized in military leadership in combination with management science and the impact of international trends and the technological developments on the training and education in the Austrian Armed forces.
1 comment
- Comment Link Sunday, 16 January 2022 11:07 posted by Karel Kozák
Str. 93 Nové války: terorismus a „asymetrická válka“
Alexander Treiblmaier
RAKOUSKO Obsáhlý článek v anglickém jazyce, doplněný tabulkami, se na 16 stránkách zabývá novými druhy válek. Hlavní pozornost je zaměřena na terorismus a hybridní války. Termíny jsou podrobně charakterizovány a rozpracovány, jsou rovněž logicky uspořádány. Článek je vhodný pro seznámení odborné i laické veřejnosti. Angličtina je srozumitelná, odpovídající průměrným znalostem.