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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
How Far is the World to Achieve World Peace and Why?
The main goal of this article is to discuss in the context of selected security intentions the world peace as an idealistic phenomenon, which is determined by many factors in the current dynamically changing environment. The intention is not to compare individual philosophical theories, but to provide selected synthetic security indicators that can help measure the state of the security environment. On the basis of these arguments, we can observe a downward trend in the rate represented, also linked to an increase in the activities of terrorist groups and generally transnational threats. The article also highlights the current relatively rigid role of the UN in relation to global peace. The international community and world peace are particularly influenced by the mutual relations and the rivalry of the superpowers. In future conflicts, the transition from the physical form of the battlefield to the imaginary platform, represented mainly by cyber space, will be more evident.- How Far is the World to Achieve World Peace and Why (3484 Downloads)
Havlík Martin
Col. Dr. Martin Havlík, PhD., MBA, MSc., Employee of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. He specializes in intelligence, especially in the field of technical intelligence disciplines, information and cybernetic operations as an integral part of the hybrid activities of state and non-state actors. In addition to the above, he focuses on security threats and risks analyses in conflict areas (especially in Asia) with an impact on the defence and security of the Czech Republic.
Country: Czech Republic
Latest from Havlík Martin
- Deepfake as an Advanced Manipulative Technique for Spreading Propaganda
- Innovative view of the methodical process of facing disinformation
- Current Approaches of the Czech Republic, the EU and NATO to Hybrid Threats
- Concepts of the Hybrid Warfare and the Czech Armed Forces
- Reasons of formation and integration of cyber forces and information operations into the Army of the Czech Republic
1 comment
- Comment Link Sunday, 09 August 2020 11:16 posted by Karel Kozák
Str. 76 Jak daleko má svět k dosažení světového míru a proč\?
Martin Havlík
Výborně napsaný článek. Autor se na 16 stránkách zabývá teorií světového míru. Objasňuje názory politologů z vědeckých pracovištˇ. Světový mír definuje jako idealistický prvek mezinárodních vztahů. Text je doplněn grafy a tabulkami. Podrobněji je rozebrána OSN, více si všímá Ruska, Číny a jejich poslání k zachování celosvětového míru. Pozornost je věnována i nevládním a obdobným organizacím. Krátce rozebírá způsoby hodnocení států z hlediska celosvětové bezpečnosti. Článek poskytuje hodnotné informace.