Islamic State: Conflict Actors, their Participation, Motives and Goals


This text is focused on current situation in Syria and Iraq and so called Islamic State, the one of the biggest threats of contemporary world. The rise of this quasi­state at background of civil war in Syria and still not fully solved conflict in Iraq is the result of involvement of many internal and external actors. The form of their involvement and especially their goals are very different from each other and despite sporadic and declaratory agreements in partial points the main reason the Islamic State still exists in very good shape is disunited attitude of local and external powers against it. The main aim of this text is to explain and to analyze main motives and goals of all relevant actors and sides of mentioned conflict and describe the way they affect its dynamics. Due to that it is possible to increase the knowledge of readers in such a chaotic, unclear and often misinterpreted situation in the Middle-East.

Josef Kraus, Ph.D., born in 1985. He graduated from the bachelor's, master's  and doctoral studies in political science at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. He still acts as an assistant professor at the Department of Security and Strategic Studies. He is also a scientific researcher at the International Institute of Political Science. At the same time he is a member of the editorial board of the Czech Military Review journal. He deals with the security problems of the Middle East region, with a focus on Islamic Republic of Iran and state terrorism research.

Country: Czech Republic



  • Comment Link Sunday, 12 July 2015 17:50 posted by Ondřej

    Cíl režimu - zabránění útokům proti všem menšinám včetně Kurdů (a třeba Asyřanú/Suriánů v Cizire?)? :D Autor si pravděpodobně dělá ze všech srandu - otázkou je, zda o zejména protikurdsky brutálním, rasistickém charakteru baathistického režimu autor nic neví, nebo se ho úmyslně snaží popřít. V obou případech je ale úplně vedle.

    Nakonec, je to právě režim, kdo svým terorismem za hranice ovládaných čtvrtí v Qamišlo, ale třeba i přímými útoky v Hesiče (viz velká lednová ofenziva podporovaná i dělostřelectvem z 123. brigády a letectvem) neměl ani v posledních letech proti Kurdům bojovat. O útocích na Šechmeksúd ani nemluvě...

  • Comment Link Tuesday, 26 May 2015 19:42 posted by Lukáš Šumpeter

    Skvěle, konečně tomu začínám víc rozumět.

  • Comment Link Thursday, 21 May 2015 19:57 posted by Tomáš Novák

    Velice dobře zpracovaná analýza. Děkuji


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