Current Nuclear Strategies and Arsenals of the United States of America and the Russian Federation


The article holistically analyses current strategies for the use and development of nuclear forces of the USA and Russia and analytically reflects their mutual doctrinal interactions. It deals with the conditions under which the U.S. and Russia may opt for using their nuclear weapons and reflects also related issues of modernization and development of their actual nuclear forces. The author argues that both superpowers did not manage to abandon the Cold War logic or avoid erroneous, distorted or exaggerated assumptions about the intentions of the other side. The text concludes with a summary of possible changes and adaptations of the American nuclear strategy under the Biden administration as part of the assumed strategy update expected for 2022. 

Adam Potočňák, PhD, born 1993. In 2015, 2017 and 2022, he graduated from bachelor's, master’s, and doctoral studies in political science, specialising in security and strategic studies at the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University. Since December 2019, he has worked as an academic fellow at the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies, University of Defence. He focuses his research and expertise on conflict research and analysis, the geopolitical rivalry of global powers, and the security and defence policy of the USA and the Russian Federation.

Czech Republic


1 comment

  • Comment Link Monday, 10 January 2022 11:32 posted by Karel Kozák

    Str.23 Súčasné nukleárné strategie a výzbroj Spojených štátov amerických a Ruskej federácie

    Adam Potočňák

    SLOVENSKO Obsáhlý článek ve slovenském jazyce se zabývá na 20 stránkách strategickými jadernými zbraněmi a způsoby jejich použití. Kladem je uvedení strategických jaderných zbraní a jejich nosičů obou velmocí jak stávajících, tak vyvíjených. Podrobněji je uveden pojem nestrategické jaderné zbraně (taktické). Článek obsahuje hodnotné informace.
    Překlep str. 28 zdroje 17, 20. Vhodnější by mohl být překlad zkratek.


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