Application Equipment as an Alternative to the Field Artillery Automated Fire Control System of the Czech Republic Army (2)


The paper deals with the Czech artillery application equipment for enabling more efficient execution of classical ways of some measures in case of malfunction of the field artillery automated fire control system. The first part of the paper includes an analysis of Czech artillery current software and the introduction of two developed software. This two developed software are under finishing works and they should partly eliminate the poor Czech artillery software equipment. On the basis of the synthesis of author’s experiences followed from the development of two new programs PVNPG-14 and ArtyCalc there are defined key principles in the paper, that should be applied in the future development of new software for the Czech artillery.

Jiří Šotnar (MAJ ret.) born 1962, graduate of the Ground forces college in Vyškov (rocket corps and artillery field of study). Served on commanding positions on tactical level and since 2003 served on Directorate of training and doctrines (training department) as an elder officer for training of artillery personell. Since 2007 works on the Fire support department of the University of defence. Deals with issues of the artillery, especially artillery target acquisition, topographical and meteorological operations of the artillery.

Country: Czech Republic


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