The State Material Reserves Administration in the Mirror of the Security Research


The control of emergency economic measures, namely state material reserves, is an important part of Czech security system. From the institutional point of view, all is run under the authority of a central institution—the Administration of State Material Reserves (ASMR). This paper deals with its role in the management of state material reserves, reflects problems and consequences resulting from the changes in security surrounding, re-evaluates opinions and views both by experts of state administrations and academic community. Those are the main key questions the study seeks an answer.

Ing. Mgr. Stanislav Kulhánek, born in 1982, Faculty Economics, University of Economics Prague (VŠE), major in national economy (2007); Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV), Charles University Prague, his major fields were public and social policies, 2013. Since 2007 he has been working at Public Budgets Section, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, where he pays attention to problems with the financing of selected elements of the security system of the Czech Republic.

Country: Czech Republic


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