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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Defence Research and Development in 1989-2009
After a short review of defence R&D history, the author concludes that our country used to reach world's level in some fields: passive warning systems, NBC protection, military surgery, explosives. After the change of political system in 1989 we began to dispose Czech military industries. The only scientific place to left is Defence University Brno, but it is an institution more or less concentrated on education. It is almost impossible to maintain pace with foreign defence industry. In the article there is an exhaustive list of military plants, institutions after 1989, together with the date of their closing down. It is followed by research orientation of defence industry, set according to time periods. The special chapter concentrates on financing defence research, the closing part deals with the period of our membership in NATO. Although there are same positive aspects, such as international cooperation, exploiting sources from abroad, strategical control declined. We see unwise reductions in personnel, abolishing accredited institutions, etc.- Obranny_vyzkum_a_vyvoj.pdf (4903 Downloads)
Janošec Josef
Doc. Ing. Josef Janošec, Ph.D., (Ltc. Ret). Born in 1951. He graduated from the Military Academy in Brno (geodesy and cartography). He held a number of leading positions in the field of the research of military strategy and technology in the Institute for Strategic Studies and in the Institute of Defence Studies in Prague. He acted in the MoD Department of Science Management and as director of the Institute for Strategic Studies at the Military Academy in Brno. Since 2007 he was appointed by director of the Institute of Population Protection in Lázně Bohdaneč. He is a chairman of the Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed scientific journal The Science for Population Protection.
Country: Czech Republic