Operational Adaptability and Human Dimension of the Armed Conflict


The article discusses the operational adaptability, which will be needed, in accordance with US, in future armed conflicts. The capability of operational adaptability has a significant impact particularly on the operations of land forces, which are still considered as a paramount military power. One of the prerequisites for achieving operational adaptability is effective influencing the dynamics of the human environment in armed conflict. Current development and emphasizing technology over the course of armed conflict detached too fare the War from its intangible political, cultural and psychological context. Human, psychological, political and cultural dimensions of armed conflict create a lot of uncertainty, which land forces should deal with in the future military operations. A partial solution applicable for Czech Armed Forces also outlines this article.

Maj. Tomáš Novák, born in 1979. He studied the Military Academy in Brno and numbers of domestic and foreign courses in area of CIMIC and PSYOPS, and operational planning in NATO School in Oberammergau. In 2007 he was deployed in KFOR operation and in 2010 in ISAF (PRT Logar) operation as a Chief of S-9 (CIMIC and PSYOPS). He has a practice in area of CIMIC doctrine development. Since 2013 he is a commander of Czech Armed Forces Operations Centre for PSYOPS Operations. At the same time he is studding PhD program of the University of Defence in Brno, focusing on psychological and information operations.

Country: Czech Republic


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