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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Military Review: How to Continue (The Case of Decision-Making Analysis)
This polemics is written by Prof. Fr. Ochrana, both reader and author of the Military Review quarterly. It is a response to the article in No 4, 2013, by Vl. Karaffa, editorial board chairman. Prof. Ochrana generally supports his conclusions concerning the further survival of this Czech Military Review. According to him, the review has indispensable role in the spectrum of both civilian and military professional journals. He recommends to evaluate the problem of its existence upon the principles of cost/benefit analysis, with regard to the so-called socials costs, the key steps of which he enumerates.- Vojenske_rozhledy_jak_dal.pdf (5161 Downloads)
Ochrana František
Prof. PhDr. František Ochrana, DrSc., (plk. v zál.), nar. 1952, Centrum pro sociální a ekonomické strategie FSV Univerzity Karlovy a Institut sociologických studií FSV. Absolvent VPA v Bratislavě (1976); kandidát filosofických věd (CSc., 1979), doktor filosofických věd (DrSc., 1990); docent filosofie (1986); Master of International Mamagement (1994); docent financí (2000); profesor financí (2005). Profesionální kariéra: 1979-1991 vysokoškolský učitel na VPA a VVPŠ v Bratislavě (1992- 1996); vysokoškolský učitel na Vysoké škole ekonomické v Praze (1996-2015); Centrum pro sociální a ekonomické strategie FSV Univerzity Karlovy (2007-dosud). Publikace: 20 samostatných knih, 50 článků na web of science, 27 článků v časopisech scopus.
Latest from Ochrana František
- Analytical and Conception Personnel of Defence Department in the Mirror of Research Project
- Seeking Foundations of Economy Methods and Savings in MoD Sector
- Financial Crisis and Its Impacts on State Budget: Sources of Anti-Crisis Strategy by Defence Department
- Public Procurements: Themes for Further Developing backed by White Paper on Defence in Connection with Governmental Assessment of Public Procurements
- Targeted Budgeting: Its State, Prospects and Implementation in Defence Ministry Department