Recent Objectives of Cyber Defence in the Department of Defence (3)


The paper deals with cyber security, cyber defence and operations in cyber space focusing on the department of defence. Tasks implied from the Czech Republic’s, NATO’s and European Union strategic documents and roles of participating subjects have been analysed. Four scenarios as another source of identified tasks were created and used to describe possible situations requiring cyber defence capabilities. The presented analysis is a prerequisite for specifying required capabilities, and a proposal how to assign roles, responsibilities and required capabilities.

Dalibor Procházka, PhD, born 1962. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Numeric Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (1986). He worked in teaching positions at the Military Academy in Brno, was the head of the Centre for Simulation and Trainer Technologies, and worked at the Defence Policy and Strategy Division of Ministry of Defence. He currently works as an academic staff member of the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies of the University of Defence, where he focuses on modelling and simulation for decision support.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6601-0012

Country: Czech Republic



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