European Gendarmerie Force – Myths and Reality


During the first half of 2010, many Internet sites in the Czech Republic and abroad published a number of alarming articles about the platform, called the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR, EGF). Their authors refer to this unit as the basis for a new "Holy Alliance", when the gendarmerie from one member state will be going to suppress unrests in another member state – if the local task forces refuse to do so. This paper is trying to correct such speculations and summarizes available information about the respective unit.

Odřich Krulík, Ph.D., born in 1975. In 2005 he completed a doctoral cycle of Political Science Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, where he worked 5 years as a teacher. Other practise: Security Policy Department of the Ministry Interior in the field of contra-terrorism, corruption, international police co-operation and removing obstacles to the development of tourism. Since 2010 he has worked as an professor assistant at the Department of Crisis Management , Police Academy in Prague.

Country: Czech Republic


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