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Current Approaches of the Czech Republic, the EU and NATO to Hybrid Threats
The article discusses the current approach of the Czech Republic to the phenomenon of hybrid threats and analyses the fundamental shortcomings that determine the effective management of these threats. As part of a comprehensive approach, the text is supplemented by the current view of the European Union and NATO on addressing the issue of hybrid action by hostile actors. A summary comparison of the approaches of the Czech Republic, the European Union and NATO points to the need for mutual institutional synergy among these entities. Although the current approaches of the mentioned subjects are relatively sufficiently doctrinally anchored, the absence of a complex and especially practically functioning apparatus and specific operational tools that would be able to face a wide range of hybrid threats persists.Havlík Martin
Col. Dr. Martin Havlík, PhD., MBA, MSc., Employee of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. He specializes in intelligence, especially in the field of technical intelligence disciplines, information and cybernetic operations as an integral part of the hybrid activities of state and non-state actors. In addition to the above, he focuses on security threats and risks analyses in conflict areas (especially in Asia) with an impact on the defence and security of the Czech Republic.
Country: Czech Republic
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1 comment
- Comment Link Monday, 25 July 2022 18:12 posted by Karel Kozák
Str. 3 Aktuální přístupy České republiky, EU a NATO k hybridním hrozbám
Martin Havlík
Článek v českém jazyce se na 12 stránkách zabývá hybridními hrozbami a jak na ně reagovat. Zdůrazňuje význam hybridních hrozeb a podává jejich charakteristiku. Upozorňuje na společné řešení s EU a NATO. Podrobně je rozebrána činnost ČR, orgány a instituce odpovídající za způsoby řešení, zařazeny jsou názvy dokumentů. Článek je logicky uspořádán, poskytuje dobrý pohled o problematice.
Připomínky: approach není jen přístup. V textu by se mohlo uplatnit vyjádření krok, způsoby činnosti?