Melichar Josef

Josef Melichar, PhD, born 1962. A graduate of the Military Academy Brno (1980–1985). He is also a graduate of Logistic Executive Development Course (LEDC) - Fort Lee (USA) and several courses related to Operations planning, Psychological Operations, Information Operations and CIMIC in Oberammergau (Germany). He worked in commanding, management and staff positions. He has participated in military operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, the Republic of Chad and the Central African Republic, and Iraq. He worked as a national representative at AFNORTH (Brunssum, the Netherlands) from 2002 to 2005 and from 2009 to 2012 as a specialist for psychological operations and operations assessment at JFC Brunssum. He currently works at the CSMSS – Defence University as a researcher focusing on wargaming, prognostics and risk management.

Country: Czech Republic
