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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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Czech White Paper of Defence: Shall We Learn from History?
Authors: Galatík Vlastimil
At the beginning of August, Defence Minister Alexander Vondra announced his intention to give rise to the White Report of Defence as a document constituting clear vision of country's defence. The Paper will constitute a major overhaul of Czech defence and security policy and will set out the path to more modern, compact and reactive security and defence forces. By cutting the overall number of defence personnel, restructuring the defence estate will achieve cost reductions allowing to address more effectively the challenges and threats of the globalized world. It will allocate a substantial budget for defence, in line with the priorities and choices made for her defence capabilities. It will further reflect themes not mentioned before, such as relations between Common European Defence Policy and NATO alliance, new dimensions of civic security in cases of natural disasters, pandemic, or last but not least – terrorist attacks. The Czech White Report is going to make good use of similar documents of Allied nations. Published in Other
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- Bila_kniha_obrany_CR.pdf (5182 Downloads)
Galatík Vlastimil
Vlastimil Galatík, Ph.D. (Col., ret.), born in 1956. Military College of Ground Forces, postgraduate studies at the Military Academy, CID (Collège interarmées de Défense) in Paris. Military practice - command and staff positions in the tank units, Centre for Strategic Studies deputy director in Brno. He is currently working as head of the Military Art Department of the University of Defence, on the field of theory of military art, military strategy and operational art.
Country: Czech Republic