Some Legal Aspects of Western Military Aid to Ukraine


The article deals with the some legal aspects of Western military aid to Ukraine. The first part briefly analyzes the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine from a "just war" perspective. The following part is devoted to individual perspectives of different branches of international law on military aid to Ukraine - the law of neutrality, ius ad bellum, ius in bello, issues of co-belligerency and state responsibility for complicity in internationally illegal actions. The conclusion summarizes the findings and gives an answer to the question why Western aid to Ukraine mostly does not violate the norms of international law.

Capt. Martin Tomaštík, born 1987. Graduate of the faculty of law of the Palacký University in Olomouc (2016). Currently works at the Ministry of Defense. Areas of interest: security policy, international law, information analysis, international organizations (NATO and EU).

Country: Czech Republic


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