Retraining of soldiers


The retraining courses of the Ministry of Defence aim to prepare soldiers for the civilian environment and to enable them to acquire the knowledge and skills that are applicable in the labour market. In the years 2008-2017 11 605 soldiers of the Czech Armed Forces terminated their service. The application for retraining was submitted by 3 644 persons, of whom 2 769 were retrained. The prevalence of retraining is in technical professions (1 342 persons) and in managerial and business training (832 persons). The research question and the statistical evaluation of the data obtained confirms the hypothesis that most soldiers were not retrained. The results of sociological research carried out among 313 former soldiers of the Czech Armed Forces show that more than three fifths of soldiers did not apply for retraining (64%), especially among higher positions and college graduates, because of no information about the data of termination of service (25%), no need for retraining (20 %) and not completing the retraining course (30 %) mostly because of the refusal of the superiors. The shortcomings of the retraining system of professional soldiers are summarized.

Kristýna Binková, PhD. She completed her doctoral studies in the field of economics of state defense at the University of Defence in 2018. As part of her doctoral studies she completed her traineeship at the National University of Public Service in Budapest and at the War Studies University in Warsaw. Since 2018, she has been working as an academic and since 2022 also as a head of Group of Management within Department of Resources Management at the Faculty of Military Leadership of the University of Defence. In the scientific area, she mainly focuses on the field of human resource management and selected managerial skills.

Country: Czech Republic 


1 comment

  • Comment Link Monday, 31 December 2018 15:51 posted by Karel Kozák (kozakk)

    Str. 105 Rekvalifikace vojáků z povolání
    Kristýna Binková

    Poněkud rozsáhlý článek v českém jazyce zaměřený na rekvalifikaci VZP, odcházejících z armády jako nástroj, který jim má pomoci uchytit se v civilním životě. Pro mne je patrné, že článek byl zpracován svědomitě s přesvědčením o správnosti věci. Vhodně jsou ukázány možnosti různých testů v procesu výzkumu názorů.
    Rekvalifikace je neživý nástroj, používaný na živé lidi. Být odstrčen třeba po 15 letech a posbírán rekvalifikací není přesvědčivá vyhlídka. Vědomí člověka se týká, že musí odejít kvůli „trendům“ a nikoliv pro výkonnost.
    Rekvalifikaci bych považoval za dobrou v případě, že by byla prováděna ve vojenském prostředí. Armáda by se nemusela zbavovat dobrých lidí.


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