Education in the Field of Security


In the Czech Republic, the schooling of security experts is broken into fragments, i.e. into many fields of study, which go beyond security politics. The state of affairs can't be regarded as satisfactory. The first step is the Resolution of Czech Security Council No. 32/2007, Common Minimum for Security Experts, which put a proposal to introduce security issues into teaching programmes in universities and institutions of further education, so that such institutions could obtain accreditation in this field. This minimum is specified namely for undergraduate study; graduated security studies ought to be more specialized. Political scientists involved in the study of security policy should attempt to devise solutions for problems of public concern. Security study covers issues such as non-military threats and risks, proliferation, pollution, natural disasters, mass migration, economy risks. It is tied with international relations, foreign policy and national security strategies.

Miroslav Jurenka, PhD., was born in 1953 in Prostějov. He graduated from a military college in Vyškov. He served in command and staff positions. In 2001, he started teaching at the University of Defense in Brno (Department of State Defense Management, Institute of Operational Tactical Studies, and Department of Crisis Management). Currently, he works as an academic staff of the Department of Military Arts at the Faculty of Military Leadership of the University of Defense. He deals with issues of state defense and crisis management.

Country: Czech Republic


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